Feature Story
Finding Fulfillment through Gratitude, Growth, and Giving with Entrepreneur Lloyd Roberts

On Friday, March 14, the Southern Virginia University community gathered in the Knight Arena to listen to entrepreneur Lloyd Roberts speak on finding fulfillment through gratitude, growth, and giving.
Roberts recounted that after he and his brothers made a successful business deal with their software company, he realized that he didn’t feel as fulfilled as he had anticipated, and contrasted it to the fulfillment his sister felt while struggling with health issues.
“Her circumstances were very difficult, but she had something she had figured out, something that I hadn’t really figured out,” Roberts said. “It was the capacity to struggle well and the process of becoming more like your best self.”
“God is not looking for us to have a life of ease and comfort,” continued Roberts. “He’s looking for us to have a life of becoming more like our Heavenly Parents, becoming more like the better version of us.”

Sharing his formula of G Cubed that numerically measures personal fulfillment by multiplying a score of gratitude, growth, and giving, Roberts encouraged those in attendance to practice gratitude by removing entitlement from their lives, and emphasized the power of asking God for opportunities to serve and give to others.
“When you remove entitlement out of you, gratitude fills in all the nooks and crannies and crevices that once were filled by entitlement,” continued Roberts. “You don’t even have to choose to be grateful. It’s an organic form of gratitude that fills in those gaps.”
“And giving is the process of asking, looking, listening and taking action. It’s talking with our Maker by saying, ‘God, I ask you to let me be a conduit for your love and light today.’” continued Roberts.

Explaining the importance of measuring fulfillment based on multiplying the amounts in each G Cubed category instead of adding them up, Roberts shared that Christ is the Great Multiplier who allows grace to increase our efforts.
“Recognizing that there is a power that is greater than yourself, that loves you and wants you to become a better version of yourself is what makes this all work,” said Roberts. “It’s what allows you to know that this is about your journey for fulfilment here and now, and in the next life.”
The event featured a vocal performance of William Bolcom’s “Amor” by Susie Falconer accompanied by Julia Evans. It ended with the traditional singing of “Love One Another.”