News Release
Gratitude for You and Our Nation’s Independence

Today, Acting President Eric Denna and Sister Lyn Denna shared the following letter with the Southern Virginia University community.
Dear Knights,
With summer in full swing, Lyn and I hope you are all enjoying time with your friends and loved ones, and celebrating the many occasions this season has to offer.
I want to take a moment to reflect on the significance of the upcoming Independence Day holiday and express my heartfelt wishes to each and every one of you. While you are currently enjoying your well-deserved summer breaks, it is important to remember the deep meaning behind the Fourth of July and the freedoms it represents.
Independence Day is a time to honor the birth of our nation. It marks the day when our forefathers courageously declared their independence from tyranny, and focused on principles such as freedom, equality, and justice. It serves as a reminder that the rights we cherish today have been hard-fought over generations and should never be taken for granted. Having visited, lived, and lectured in countries that severely limited the civil liberties we enjoy in abundance, I have returned home each time more determined not to take them for granted.
This upcoming celebration of Independence Day also provides a chance to reflect on the numerous liberties we enjoy as members of this Southern Virginia University community. We have the freedom to openly express our thoughts and ideas, pursue our own paths of knowledge, and engage in respectful conversations that challenge our understanding and broaden our perspectives. Through these freedoms, we grow individually and collectively, fostering a safe environment that encourages exploration, innovation, and the pursuit of truth.
In celebrating our nation’s independence, I encourage you to do so safely and responsibly so this holiday remains one of celebration, unity, and optimism. I also encourage you to take time to reflect, engage in meaningful conversations, and nurture the relationships that matter most to you.
Finally, it’s hard to believe that the start of the Fall 2023 Semester is just around the corner. Please know that we eagerly anticipate welcoming you back to campus. The energy you bring is exhilarating, and we are excited about what lies ahead for you and this university. Until then, I encourage you to make the most of your summer break – value the freedoms we have, stay safe, and know we’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Dr. Eric Denna, Acting President of Southern Virginia University
Lyn H. Denna, the better 2/3rds of the companionship