News Release
Annual Campus Literary Journal Now Available As E-Book For Increased Student Accessibility

The review,* Southern Virginia University’s annual literary journal featuring original student and faculty artwork and writing, is now being offered as an e-book in companionship with the physical edition to allow for increased accessibility and awareness campus-wide.
“I’m truly excited to offer the review in both mediums,” said Professor of English Karen Hufford, who is the founder, director, and chief editor of the review. “With our growing student body, this makes a good combination for accessibility.”
In addition to the ability for students to easily access the journal on and off campus, the e-book format provides students with auditory learning styles or other learning disabilities the option to either listen to the publication or increase the font size for better visibility. Students will also be able to access the e-book for digital portfolios for grad school and job applications.
“The review represents some of the best work of our students,” said Chief Academic Officer and Provost James Lambert. “And I would like people to have access to it not just when they’re on campus, but when they’re home as well. With it now being offered as an e-book, it increases exposure on the students’ and faculties’ work.”
The creation of the review as an e-book was done in collaboration with local layout editor Karen Bowen, who digitized the journal, and the University’s Director of IT Jeff Swift, who published the journal to the University’s digital library. Students, faculty, and staff can find the latest edition of the review in the Books app on their University-issued iPad—part of the University’s LaunchPad Initiative and commitment to build a technology-rich educational environment.
This digital transition for greater accessibility follows the University’s student newspaper, The Herald, which went fully online in 2017 to allow for faster publication and larger circulation. While printed copies of the review will still be available, the implementation of an e-book will reduce printing costs and create a more cost-effective option.
Hufford, who joined Southern Virginia University’s English faculty in 1996, created the review in 1997 as a way to showcase the creative works of the students and faculty at the University, having previously worked on The Hollins Critic, a well-known literary magazine at Hollins University, as the assistant editor.

“I was always very excited to be part of the process for the Critic,” said Hufford. “And I wanted to start one at Southern Virginia University as I felt like it was a great way to showcase the work of the students here. There’s so many talented students and faculty here, and the review is a great way to show that.”
The review consists of a selection of poetry, art and photography, and prose and fiction, and all members of the campus community are able to submit their work for consideration. Each volume is dedicated to a member of the University, and is run by a student staff with Hufford and other invited University professors as the judges.
*Note the publication’s title is stylistically uncapitalized