Northpoint CEO on Real-life Stories and Powerful Goals
Buena Vista, Va.—John Laviter, Chairman and CEO of Northpoint Asset Management Inc., shared stories from his life with students, faculty and professional staff to teach three powerful goals: to be fearless, to let go, and define yourself by your internal accomplishments.
“The goal is not to be feared, but to be fearless,” Laviter said. “The goal is not to hold on tighter, but to let go. The goal is not to define yourself by exterior, but interior accomplishments.”
Laviter opened with a story from his youth when he placed third in a national karate championship. He was disqualified in his first fight, but was unexpectedly called back to compete several matches later.
“Suddenly, I had nothing to lose,” Laviter said. “It was not until I did not fear the outcome… that I was able to perform at my true level.
“Whatever the endeavor you chose to pursue, you must abandon fear of the outcome. Do not limit your potential by comparing yourself to anyone else.”
Laviter next shared a personal experience about his expectations for marriage that taught him to heed God’s will and abandon his own desires.

“Open your heart wide to the Spirit of God and hear the directions that He would have you travel, even if it isn’t what you want—even if it’s utterly heartbreaking to you,” he continued. “Let go completely and allow God to truly guide your life.”
Finally, Laviter shared a life-changing idea he had after moving to Scotland with his family for a business opportunity that eventually fell through. Despite these unexpected turn of events, he and his family felt prompted to continue living in Scotland for three more years.
“The result of three years [in Scotland] was nothing more than a very simple concept [that] had an enormous impact on me and who I am.”
According to Laviter, that experience taught him that being a great person is much more about who you are within rather than what you accomplish externally for others to see.
“The greatest accomplishments are actually within your reach at any time,” said Laviter. “They are those decisions that you are able to make within yourself and no one can take that away from you.”