News Release
Alex Boyé Announces Plan to Film Music Video at Southern Virginia University

Alex Boyé made a surprise visit to Southern Virginia University today, performing and speaking during the University’s “Welcome Back” convocation. The musician announced that he will return later in September to film a new music video with the University.
Surprised gasps turned into cheers as Boyé emerged in front of Southern Virginia’s largest student body in its 21-year history; students and faculty were unaware the musician would be visiting. Boyé performed “Peponi,” his popular African-stylized cover of Coldplay’s “Paradise.”
Boyé addressed the excited audience of students and faculty after finishing his performance.

“You’re probably wondering what [I’m doing] at Southern Virginia University,” said Boyé. “Well, I’ll tell you, and I’ll keep it short. I’m here to film a music video with you.”
“This music video, you are all going to be involved in it,” Boyé explained. “I’ve got your choir involved; I even want the football team involved, the softball team, the lacrosse team; in fact, I want everyone.”
Boyé explained that he will return later in September for the video shoot.
“This is just around the corner, people,” said an animated Boyé. “We want to make this thing go viral; we want to make this go big.”
Boyé also took time to talk about his personal inspiration, the Book of Mormon.
“The most important thing for me in my life, right now, probably forever, is this,” Boyé stated, holding up a copy of the Book of Mormon in his hand. “This book has taught me to dream big and think big.”

University President Reed N. Wilcox drew parallels between Boyé’s work and the mission of the University. “Alex decided that the world needed good music that was uplifting, and a way to help people who needed to be lifted up, and deserved to be lifted up, to have that opportunity,” Wilcox said.
“And that’s what we do. This is about doing good things for good reasons with good people, voluntarily. Gather. Lift. Launch.”
“I’m just honored,” concluded Boyé. “I just want to thank you guys so much. I love you guys. I love being here. This is an amazing place, and we’ll see you real soon.”