University Leaders Speak on the Importance of Institute at Forum

President Reed N. Wilcox, along with other university leaders, addressed students, faculty and staff gathered in Southern Virginia University’s Stoddard Center on Friday, Oct. 7, about the benefits of attending Institute of Religion — part of the Church Education System of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“Institute is one of [the Lord’s] gifts to us,” President Wilcox said. “Institute is at the heart of what we are doing here.”
Speakers included Director of Athletics Jason Lamb, Director of Student Professional Development Cameron Crowther, Executive Assistant to the President Kristie Gibbons, Institute Director David Moss, as well as three Southern Virginia students, Katie DeLaMare, Sadie Taylor, and Zach Cochran.
Speakers discussed how Institute involvement affects their academic, professional and personal well-being, and encouraged all students to make Institute attendance a priority throughout their college experience.
Southern Virginia University’s campus is home to the largest daytime Institute of Religion in the Eastern United States. The Institute operates under the direction of the LDS Church to provide twenty-eight religious-centered classes to students from multiple universities in the region. Students can transfer up to eight Institute credits to Southern Virginia toward graduation.