Mormon Scholars Conference Returns to Southern Virginia

Mormon Scholars in the Humanities will hold its sixth annual conference Friday and Saturday, May 18–19, at Southern Virginia University.
Over fifty humanities scholars from across the U.S. and several foreign countries will gather for two days of presentations and discussions. This year’s theme is “Economies and Humanities.”
Many Southern Virginia professors will participate, including Professor John Armstrong, the association’s president. In addition, Provost Madison Sowell and Professors William Silverman and Randall Cluff will make presentations at the conference. There also will be a “Meet the Artist” segment on Saturday featuring Professor Doug Himes.
According to its website,, Mormon Scholars in the Humanities is dedicated to promoting intellectual and collegial exchange among LDS humanities scholars. The association encourages scholarly inquiry in all areas of the humanities, not only those related to Mormon culture and history.
The conference was last held at Southern Virginia in 2008.