

Regional Accreditation Committee Visit Update

A candidacy committee from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools visited Southern Virginia University this week.

“The committee’s visit was one step in the lengthy process of seeking regional accreditation,” said Southern Virginia President Rodney K. Smith. “We were blessed to have a very capable team assess us. They came with precisely the expertise and experience required to review an independent, values-based liberal arts college such as ours. Their primary responsibility was to verify that what we presented in our written application was an accurate assessment of what we provide to our students.”

The committee itself is not a decision-making body. It will provide a thorough report to the Commission on Colleges and the Commission will make a final determination about Southern Virginia’s candidacy for regional accreditation at its biannual meeting in June.

“I believe we were able to show the committee our best,” President Smith said. “Among the many benefits of seeking regional accreditation, in addition to our national accreditation, is that we have become more unified in pursuing and fulfilling our mission.”

In a note distributed to students, faculty and staff, President Smith expressed gratitude for their individual and collective contributions.

“Thank you to all who, over the past several years, have worked to fulfill our bold mission, who have provided the curriculum, the instruction, and the supportive campus environment that have brought us to this point. Thank you to all who have quietly put into place regular and verifiable processes for assessment and quality improvement. Thank you to those who have worked on the lengthy application materials. Thank you to those who regularly maintain our campus and to those who helped spruce things up last week. Thank you to everyone else who was courteous and refined in their demeanor while the team was here. In this lengthy process, it is clear to me that we have become more unified in pursuing and fulfilling our mission, and I am deeply gratified as I observe the fruits of our collective labors.”

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Southern Virginia University’s accreditation

News Story: Regional Accreditation Committee Visits Southern Virginia this Week