Orson Scott Card Writing Class Aug. 2-7

Orson Scott Card, a best-selling author and distinguished professor of English at Southern Virginia University, will host “Uncle Orson’s Writing Class & Literary Boot Camp 2010” from August 2–7 on the Southern Virginia campus.
August 2–3 — “Uncle Orson’s Writing Class” is open to novice and experienced writers alike, college-aged and older. Students will take part in two days of discussions, lectures, and idea sessions with Card and participants in the Literary Boot Camp.
The class is designed for writers of any kind of fiction, and is also valuable for screenwriters and playwrights.
August 2–7 — The Literary Boot Camp takes place over the full 6-day period and is only open to college-aged and older writers who are seriously interested in pursuing a career in writing. Following the two-day Writing Class, the Boot Camp writers continue on with four days of creating, shaping and critiquing new stories developed earlier in the week under Card’s guidance. Enrollment for the Boot Camp is limited to only 14 participants.
Although the application period for the Literary Boot Camp is closed, there are still available seats in Uncle Orson’s Writing Class. To register or to learn more about tuition, housing and meals, visit Card’s website or call 336–282–9848. Housing and meal forms must be submitted by July 24.