Spring Semester 2009 President’s and Dean’s Lists
Southern Virginia University is pleased to announce the recipients of the President’s and Dean’s List honors for students who excelled academically in spring semester 2009.
President’s List
The President’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes all full-time students who achieved a semester grade point average that places them in the top 10% of current students.
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes all full-time students who achieved a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher.
The following is the list of students who have been placed on the Dean’s List. Asterisks indicate they also are on the President’s List.
- Lenore Ackerman*
- Jenna Aldridge
- Scott Allen*
- Vladimir Antigua-Perez
- Katrina Bagley
- Rachel Baldwin
- Ashley Ballew*
- Megan Bauer*
- Courtney Baughman
- Abigail Baxter
- Nichole Bearor
- Ezra Belmont
- Parker Bird
- Christian Blackwelder
- Daniel Bodhaine
- Alexander Bradford
- Brydon Brett
- Kayela Bridge
- Susanna Brionez
- Teisha Bunn*
- Benjamin Burningham*
- Holly Burningham*
- Heidi Butler*
- Mary Bywater
- Candace Call*
- Holli Coats
- Wilson Coltrin
- Ryan Congdon
- Megan Conrad
- Jordan Coons*
- Derek Cutler
- Erin Davis
- Angela DeMott*
- Megan Dransfield*
- Brittany Dudley
- Laura Dudley*
- Elizbeth Eckman
- Taylor Ellsworth
- Cory Evans
- Wesley Evans
- Kevin Flanigan*
- Lauren Ann Fowler
- Arthur Furler
- Ellane Furniss*
- Kaitlin Gahan
- Sarah Gerlach
- Cathrynn Gilmer
- Bridget Gonzalez
- Heather Greene
- Michael Greer*
- Matthew Hafen
- Cindy Hall
- Joshua Hall*
- David Haws*
- Michael Helton
- Nicholas Hiatt*
- Anneka Himes*
- Emmelin Himes*
- Benjamin Himes*
- Spencer Hirt*
- Cimone Hoeft
- Jesse Houchens*
- William Hunt
- Kirra Hyde*
- Kimberly Hyden
- Aleah Ingram
- Malia Iosefa*
- Ricardo Jensen
- Anna Johnson*
- Arianne Johnson
- Jessica Johnson*
- Janet Jolley*
- Ertle Jones*
- Christopher Jones
- Heather Karn
- Tasha Karn
- Sarah Karn
- Skyler King
- Blake Kiss
- Julia Kohl
- Alison Krebs
- Elizabeth Laurent
- Lindsay Law
- McKenzie Law
- Summer Lillywhite*
- Mary Locke
- Daniel Loesevitz*
- Dallas Lund
- Alexandria Marcum*
- Mary Massey*
- Rebecca McConaha
- Tyler McCurdy*
- Ryan McGinn
- Matthew Mellor
- Jacqueline Melton
- Rebecca Messmann*
- Courtney Montagna
- Katherine Montecinos*
- Colleen Moore*
- Rachel Morgan
- John Morgan
- Kayleigh Moyle
- Breanna Nelson
- Jared Nielsen
- Hyrum Olson*
- Nathan Ondricek*
- Luis Ortiz
- Emily Pace
- Kara Page
- Bryce Pendleton*
- David Phillips*
- Candace Platt*
- Levi Rasmussen
- Craig Reese
- David Riska*
- Sandra Roberts*
- David Rummler*
- Brenna Saunders*
- Jessica Schorzman
- Leila Schultz*
- Christina Seegmiller
- Sonja Septon
- Marissa Sherman
- Charles Smith*
- Kaitlyn Smith*
- Jacob Smith
- Derek Snider
- Maria Solomona
- Tara Soressi*
- Rachel Stacey
- Chloe Stephens
- Samantha Sumsion
- Erin Talley
- Steven Talley*
- Arielle Tanner
- Stephen Taylor*
- Caitlin Tiegs*
- Jenae Trulock
- Mark Tyndall
- Katherine Walker
- Calissa Wall*
- Joel Wellendorf*
- Paige Wellendorf*
- Cara Wendel*
- Joseph Whetstone
- Brendan White*
- Eric Williams
- Jonathan Woodland
- Randallin Young